Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Monday, October 23, 2006


Victoria and I went to the Studio Nocturne exhibit in S.F.'s Open Studio 2006 exhibit this Saturday, and the exhibit was quite inspirational. I especially loved Joe Reifer's work; I thought his involvement in his pictures was incredibly creative. In many of his shots he set his camera at very long exposures, jumped in the frame, and "painted" with sparklers. He even draped himself in a white bedsheet in a few shots, and made it look like there was a ghost in the picture. This type of involvement in his work dances the line of self portrait, even though you can't actually see him in any of the pictures. I find it fascinating. You can check him out for yourself at Joe Reifer Photography.

I can't wait until I figure out which section of my camera's manual explains how I can make my camera take long exposures. I'm looking forward to playing with this style of photography.


Star came to visit Victoria and I this weekend, so I took the opportunity to practice using my new flash (thanks Dad!). Now I can take pictures in my unusually dark house, no problem.

Halloween is Only a Week Away

Friday, October 13, 2006

Under the Sonoma Sun

Me as Model

I haven't done a self portrait in a while, so I did this one as a nod to my newest guilty pleasure: America's Next Top Model. This is as close as I get!